Saturday, October 10, 2009

leopard again!

I think I finally nailed (no pun intended..) the leopard print!

I used hm gold holo as my as my base color and did the rings with black depend and filled them with OPI ds desire (?)


Skye said...

0o0oo0 i loveeee it
im a hugeee fan of leopard print..
looks great =D

Julia Jansen said...

Aww that's so cute :)

Pam said...

very cute leopard print, on of the best I have seen.

Kristine said...

Thank you so much :-D It was fun but time consuming to make it.
I'll definitley do it again!! Maybe with some wacky colors :-D

Lucy said...

I know you "nailed" it! Very pretty. I love the leopard print.

Jorun said...

De var dritfete! Ellers jeg er litt skeptisk til de neglene dine, haha! Men du er nå litt festlig da ;)