Sunday, May 31, 2009

Bombay nails!

Today I chose a sunny design! I found a bunch of GOSH polishes at half off!! (really cheap, and in Norway that means 5-6 $...)
The polishes used today are Bombay Yellow and Holographic.

I loved the yellow, but the holographic was a bit strange to apply.. But I managed to get it on almost evenly...

I stupidly forgot to take pictures of the finished design, so I tried to reproduse it in photobucket :-p Something like this:


rijaH said...

Really love the idea with Holographic and yellow dots ;D

Alexlyndra said...

Det är ofta problem med att applicera holografiska, men dem är oftast galet snygga!

Lucy said...

Nice designs! Your nails look so pretty.

Mary said...

Very nice! That's a lovely shade of yellow.

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